Tactics board is essential to the leadership of the sport.
Tactics board is essential to the leadership of the sport.
It is the appearance of THE TACTICS BOARD app for the various competitions.
In addition to the major sports, It is a tactics board corresponding to the many sports.
One side or the entire surface can be selected.
Meetings around THE TACTICS BOARD will produce a greater effect.
We will continue to support future to other sports.
This Tactics board, move and placement of markers, drawing the line, of course, the marker can enter players name and deepen further the understanding of sport tactics.
A plurality of balls also can be arranged, it will be effective in the description of the practice menu of volleyball and Soccer.
Line drawing is also possible to draw the arrow automatically. I can easily draw in the screen of the mobile phone size.
Save function is equipped. You can save all the scene, to display easily at any time.
Simulation mode by video, is a function of the strategy board for improvement of the combination of team.
This feature would be to accelerate the understanding of the set play basketball and futsal.
This Tactics board app, insert background is one of the function.
By inserting the team logo, it becomes my team-only Tactics board quickly, appearance is distinguished.
Please try please.
Application equipped with a Tactics board lacrosse and water polo, and rugby, many sports, THE TACTICS BOARD.
Sure to be a Tactics board app with an important role in the team, please use.
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